Why wedding bouquet preservation is always a good idea - Wedding Bouquet Preservation in Buckinghamshire

You spent many months planning your special day. Hours and hours went into choosing all the little details that will make your wedding uniquely ‘you’. Maybe you have had it all planned out since you were a little girl? Imagined your dress, how you would style your hair, you’ve dreamed of smelling your wedding bouquet for the first time… Ah yes - your wedding bouquet. It’s difficult to imagine a bride without the beautiful and utterly romantic bunch of flowers in her hands. Carefully chosen blooms, in colours and style that will compliment your bridal look and fill your wedding venue with charm, style and gorgeous scent. I still remember how emotional I was when I first saw my wedding blooms - they were even more beautiful than I hoped for.

As flowers are such a big part of setting the scene on the wedding day, it’s no wonder that we get emotionally attached to them. Even more so because their beauty is fleeting. Which is why wedding bouquet preservation is becoming so popular - it allows to capture a special moment in time. By preserving your wedding blooms, you don’t have to watch them wilt and expire. You can give them a new life in a form of a unique keepsake, so that every time you look at it, you’re transported back to that one day, filled with love and beauty.

Each floral frame filled with pressed wedding blooms is as unique as your wedding bouquet itself - no two are ever the same. Wedding bouquet preservation is a slow process, it can take 4-5 months from start to finish. But that’s not a bad thing - it means there’s still the anticipation of something beautiful and exciting after the wedding itself: the arrival of your floral artwork.

If you’re thinking of preserving your wedding blooms, in whichever form or medium you desire, please don’t hesitate! The only thing you might regret is leaving it too late and letting your beautiful flowers die. I pressed my wedding blooms after my own wedding, at the suggestion of my mother in law. It didn’t even cross my mind that there was somehow a possibility of holding onto my bouquet forever. I did in in pre-honeymoon haste - not knowing anything about flower pressing back then - I thrust the blooms into books and hoped for the best. They didn’t turn out great, all brown or mouldy, and sadly I had to bin most of them (I wish I had all the knowledge and skill I possess today to preserve them!), but I framed them nevertheless and I look at them every day with fondness and nostalgia. And I wish that wonderful nostalgia every time you look at your pressed wedding bouquet for you too.

Patti x

P.S. - If you’re thinking of having your wedding bouquet preserved, do get in touch - I would love to hear from you!

PPS - my wedding bouquet of spring peonies, ranunculus and sweet peas was created by the wonderful Charlie from The Flower Fairies.


How to care for your bouquet after your wedding - Wedding Bouquet Preservation in Buckinghamshire