How to care for your bouquet after your wedding - Wedding Bouquet Preservation in Buckinghamshire

Wedding season is in full swing and my wedding bouquet preservation studio is filled with presses brimming with loads of gorgeous wedding blooms. It is the most exciting time of year for all flower & wedding lovers (myself of course included!). If you are planning on having your wedding bouquet preserved and turned into a gorgeous keepsake (and why wouldn’t you??), it is super important that you take care of your blooms to keep them in best possible condition for pressing. Flowers that are hydrated and not wilted or bruised will press much better - good care will help with colour retention and the shape of your blooms.

As soon as your ceremony is over and your photographer has captured all the special moments with your nearest and dearest, place your bouquet in fresh water (stems only), away from direct sunlight. You could even request in advance to have a vase filled with fresh water ready, either placed on your table, or on the side.

After your big day trim the ends of the stems if you can, and keep your flowers in a cool room - changing the water daily - until it’s time to drop them off / post them for wedding bouquet preservation.

If you love the tradition of tossing the wedding bouquet (which unfortunately can damage the blooms and bruise the flowers - not ideal for pressing), you could consider opting for a second, smaller bouquet to do so. That way you can end your special day with this playful tradition, and keep your main bouquet pristine.

I hope these simple tips will keep your beautiful flowers in top condition for wedding bouquet preservation!

Patti x

P.S. - If you’re thinking of having your wedding bouquet preserved, do get in touch - I would love to hear from you!


How to post your wedding bouquet - Wedding Bouquet Preservation in the UK


Why wedding bouquet preservation is always a good idea - Wedding Bouquet Preservation in Buckinghamshire